How to Convert Bytes to Int in Python?

How to Convert Bytes to Int in Python? Python 3.2 now has a capacity called int.from_bytes() to change bytes over to a number. To make bytes in Python, utilize the bytes() strategy. The bytes() is an inherent technique that profits changeless bytes object introduced with the given size and information.

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Converting over an int to bytes brings about a bytes object addressing the int. bytes objects design as varieties of bytes requested by their most huge byte, which is either toward the start or end of the cluster.

How to Convert Bytes to Int in Python?

A bytes article can be changed over to a whole number worth effectively utilizing Python. Python gives us different in-constructed methds like from_bytes() as well as classes to complete this interconversion.

int.from_bytes() strategy

A byte worth can be traded to an int esteem by utilizing the int.from_bytes() strategy. This technique expects basically Python 3.2 and has the accompanying sentence structure :

Punctuation: int.from_bytes(bytes, byteorder, *, signed=False)


  • bytes – A byte object
  • byteorder – Determines the request for portrayal of the number worth. byteorder can have values as by the same token “little” where most critical cycle is put away toward the end and least toward the start, or huge, where MSB is put away at start and LSB toward the end. Huge byte request works out the worth of a whole number in base 256.
  • marked – Default esteem – False . Shows whether to address 2’s supplement of a number.
  • returns – an int comparable to the given byte

Example 1:

# declaring byte value
byte_val = b'\x00\x01'
# converting to int
# byteorder is big where MSB is at start
int_val = int.from_bytes(byte_val, "big")
# printing int equivalent



Example 2:

byte_val = b'\x00\x10'
int_val = int.from_bytes(byte_val, "little")
# printing int object



Example 3:

byte_val = b'\xfc\x00'
# 2's complement is enabled in big 
# endian byte order format
int_val = int.from_bytes(byte_val, "big", signed="True")
# printing int object



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