How to Perform Packed BCD to ASCII Conversion for PIC and Atmega Microcontroller?

conversion between ASCII and packed BCD

In computers, all the information is represented in 0s and 1s, binary pattern must assign letters and other symbols or characters. Standard representation of this pattern was established in 1960 who names as ASCII which is stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. The great advantage of this system

How to interface DC motor with PIC microcontroller?

How to interface DC motor with PIC microcontroller? How to interface DC motor with PIC microcontroller? DC motors are electrical devices that run on DC electricity. DC converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.  They are used in wide range of Read More …

Discuss the characteristics of ADC in detail

analog to digital conversion

ADC stands for analog to digital converter. It is a widely used electrical component. It converts an analog signal into its digital representation. The main component of any digital circuit that needs to process an analog signal is an ADC. The devices which use an ADC to convert analog signals into digital numbers are known as ADC devices. A microcontroller can understand and process only digital numbers. It cannot process analog signals.

What are the Practical Applications of Embedded Systems?

What are the Practical Applications of Embedded Systems

Introduction to Embedded Systems In this article I have discussed What are the Practical Applications of Embedded Systems and their designs? Before understanding the applications of embedded systems, lets see what are the embedded systems? How they are designed? What Read More …

Interfacing of seven segment display with pic16F877A microcontroller

4 digit up counter using seven segment display on PIC16f877A

Introduction Write a program forInterfacing of seven segment display with pic16F877A microcontroller using mikroC Pro. In this tutorial, I will guide you how to create a first project on mikroC Pro software for designing a counter using PIC16F877A microcontroller. First Read More …

What are the conditional and unconditional branches in PIC microcontroller ?

Jump instructions

Conditional and Unconditional Branches What are the conditional and unconditional branches in PIC microcontroller ? Branching in the microcontroller is used for performing a task repeatedly. Repetition can be done either by checking a condition or without testing any condition. Read More …