How to add an element to an Array in Java 2022?

Given a variety of sizes n, the undertaking is to add a component x in this cluster in Java.

The size of the cluster can’t be changed powerfully in Java, as it is done in C/C++ file. Subsequently to add a component in the exhibit, one of the accompanying strategies should be possible:

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They are the object of exceptional love and disdain of many fledgling programming designers. Adding components to an exhibit that was at that point initialised is incomprehensible, they said… Actually, it is conceivable, however not in an old style significance… and it isn’t exceptionally helpful. Adding new components to a cluster that was at that point initialised is a sort of a stunt. In any case, these stunts can prove to be useful in a meeting … what’s more, some of the time in a software engineer’s work.

To ensure you appreciate utilizing the information type and expertise to do it effectively, we composed an aide on adding another component to a Java cluster.

Other than cautiously going through the hypothesis and code tests, make certain to look at and complete the training issues highlighted in the post.

What is an Array in Java

We should review what an Array is and how to make it in Java. Assuming you recall that, vibe allowed to avoid ahead to the following subheading “5 Ways to Add New Elements to Java Arrays”.

Prophet’s true Java documentation says that exhibits are a progression of qualities having a place with similar information type.

A bunch of numbers is an ideal illustration of an exhibit in Java. All qualities you characterize include a particular situation inside the exhibit called a file.

Fixed versus Dynamic Size

An exhibit and the ArrayList both apportion stack memory along these lines, yet what varies is that a cluster is fixed-sized, while the size of an ArrayList increments powerfully.

Since a Java exhibit is fixed-sized, we want to give the size while launching it. It is unimaginable to expect to expand the size of the cluster whenever it has been started up. All things being equal, we want to make another exhibit with the changed size and duplicate every one of the components from the past cluster.

ArrayList is a resizable cluster execution of the List interface — that is, ArrayList develops progressively as components are added to it. At the point when the quantity of current components (counting the new component to be added to the ArrayList) is more prominent than the most extreme size of its basic exhibit, then, at that point, the ArrayList expands the size of the basic cluster.

The development system for the basic cluster relies upon the execution of the ArrayList. Nonetheless, since the size of the basic cluster can’t be expanded progressively, another exhibit is made and the old cluster components are duplicated into the new cluster.

The add activity has a consistent amortized time cost. All in all, adding n components to an ArrayList requires O(n) time.

Component Types

An exhibit can contain crude just as non-crude information types, contingent upon the meaning of the cluster. Notwithstanding, an ArrayList can just hold back non-crude information types.

At the point when we embed components with crude information types into an ArrayList, the Java compiler consequently changes over the crude information type into its comparing object covering class.

How about we presently see how to annex and embed components in Java exhibits and the ArrayList.

Affixing an Element

As we’ve as of now seen, clusters are of fixed size.

Along these lines, to annex a component, first, we want to pronounce another cluster that is bigger than the old exhibit and duplicate the components from the old cluster to the recently made cluster. From that point forward, we can attach the new component to this recently made exhibit.

We should check out its execution in Java without utilizing any utility classes:

public Integer[] addElementUsingPureJava(Integer[] srcArray, int elementToAdd) {
Integer[] destArray = new Integer[srcArray.length+1];

for(int i = 0; i < srcArray.length; i++) {
destArray[i] = srcArray[i];

destArray[destArray.length – 1] = elementToAdd;
return destArray;

Embedding an Element at Index

Embedding a component at a given record without losing the recently added components is definitely not a straightforward assignment in exhibits.

As a matter of first importance, in the event that the cluster as of now contains the quantity of components equivalent to its size, then, at that point, we first need to make another exhibit with a bigger size and duplicate the components over to the new cluster.

Besides, we really want to move all components that come after the predefined list by one situation to one side:

public static int[] insertAnElementAtAGivenIndex(final int[] srcArray, int index, int newElement) {
int[] destArray = new int[srcArray.length+1];
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < destArray.length-1; i++) {

if(i == index) {
destArray[i] = newElement;
} else {
destArray[i] = srcArray[j];
return destArray;

However, the ArrayUtils class gives us a simpler solution to insert items into an array:

int[] destArray = ArrayUtils.insert(2, srcArray, 77);

We have to specify the index at which we want to insert the value, the source array, and the value to insert.

The insert() method returns a new array containing a larger number of elements, with the new element at the specified index and all remaining elements shifted one position to the right.

Note that the last argument of the insert() method is a variable argument, so we can insert any number of items into an array.

Let’s use it to insert three elements in srcArray starting at index two:

int[] destArray = ArrayUtils.insert(2, srcArray, 77, 88, 99);

And the remaining elements will be shifted three places to the right.

Furthermore, this can be achieved trivially for the ArrayList:

anArrayList.add(index, newElement);

ArrayList shifts the elements and inserts the element at the required location.


Q #1) Can we increase the size of the array in Java?

Answer: No. We cannot increase the size of the array in Java once it is instantiated. If at all you need a different size for the array, create a new array and move all the elements to the new array or use an ArrayList which dynamically changes its size.

Q #2) How do you add two arrays in Java?

Answer: You can either add two arrays or form a resultant array manually by using for loop. Or you can use the arrayCopy method to copy one array into another. For both the techniques, create a resultant array with enough room to accommodate both the arrays.

Q #3) How do you add an ArrayList to an Array in Java?

Answer: Create a list of n items. Then use the toArray method of the list to convert it to the array.

Q #4) What is a growable array in Java?

Answer: A growable array is simply a dynamic array which increases its size when more items are added to it. In Java, this is an ArrayList.

Q #5) Can you declare an array without assigning the size of an array?

Answer: No. Array size must be declared before using it. If not, it results in a compilation error.

Q #6) Can you add multiple elements to an Array at once?

Answer: No. You cannot add only one element to an array at a given instant. If you want to add multiple elements to the array at once, you can think of initializing the array with multiple elements or convert the array to ArrayList. ArrayList has an ‘addAll’ method that can add multiple elements to the ArrayList.


In this article, we saw Java exhibit and ArrayList. Moreover, we took a gander at the likenesses and contrasts between the two. At last, we perceived how to annex and embed components in a cluster and ArrayList.

As usual, the full source code of the functioning models is accessible over on GitHub.

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