How to remove a character from string in JavaScript?

JavaScript gives clients different techniques and properties for string control, to change those strings or to look through helpful data from those strings. Here and there we have different lines of code in which we really want to make changes, look for a person or supplant a person or eliminate a person from a string.

This multitude of assignments become hard to do and thus techniques are given by JavaScript that makes the occupation more straightforward. Clients can undoubtedly utilize these techniques to control a string and change it. In this article we’ll talk about how to eliminate characters from strings in JavaScript, different ways and techniques gave by JavaScript along models for your better understanding.Given a string and the undertaking is to eliminate a person from the given string.

How to remove a character from string in JavaScript?

Strategy 1: Using supplant() technique: The supplant technique is utilized to supplant a particular person/string with other person/string. It takes two boundaries, first is the string to be supplanted and the second is the string which is to be supplanted with. For this situation, the primary boundary is the person which is to be eliminated and the subsequent boundary can be given as an unfilled string. This will eliminate the person from the string. This technique eliminates the principal event of the string.


string.replace('characterToReplace', '');


<!DOCTYPE html>
        How to remove a character from 
        string using Javascript?
    <h1 style="color: green">
        How to remove a character from
        a string using Javascript?
    <p>Original string is GeeksforGeeks</p>
        New String is: 
        <span class="output"></span>
    <button onclick="removeCharacter()">
        Remove Character
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function removeCharacter() {
            originalString = 'GeeksForGeeks';
            newString = originalString.replace('G', '');
                    = newString;



Technique 2: Using supplant() strategy with a normal articulation: This technique is utilized to eliminate all events of the predetermined person, in contrast to the past technique. A customary articulation is utilized rather than the string alongside the worldwide property. It will choose each event in the string and it very well may be eliminated.


string.replace(/regExp/g, '');


<!DOCTYPE html>
        How to remove a character from 
        string using Javascript?
    <h1 style="color: green">
        How to remove a character from
        a string using Javascript?
    <p>Original string is GeeksforGeeks</p>
        New String is: 
        <span class="output"></span>
    <button onclick="removeCharacter()">
        Remove Character
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function removeCharacter() {
            originalString = 'GeeksForGeeks';
            newString = originalString.replace(/G/g, '');
                    = newString;



Strategy 3: Removing the first or last person utilizing cut() technique: The cut() technique is utilized to extricate portions of a string between the given boundaries. This technique takes the beginning list and the closure list of the string and returns the string in the middle of these lists. On the off chance that the consummation list isn’t determined, it is thought to be the length of the string. The main person could be eliminated by indicating the starting file to be 1. It extricates the string from the second person up to the furthest limit of the string. The last person could be taken out by indicating the completion list to be one not exactly the length of the string. This concentrates the string from the start of the string to the second to last person.


// Removing the first character

// Removing the last character
string.splice(0, string.length - 1);


<!DOCTYPE html>
        How to remove a character from 
        string using Javascript?
    <h1 style="color: green">
        How to remove a character from
        a string using Javascript?
    <p>Original string is GeeksforGeeks</p>
        First character removed string: 
        <span class="output1"></span>
        Last character removed string: 
        <span class="output2"></span>
    <button onclick="removeCharacter()">
        Remove Character
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function removeCharacter() {
            originalString = 'GeeksForGeeks';
            firstCharRemoved = originalString.slice(1);
            lastCharRemoved = 
                originalString.slice(0, originalString.length - 1);
                    = firstCharRemoved;
                    = lastCharRemoved;



Strategy 4: Removing a specific person at given file utilizing substr() technique: This strategy can be utilized to eliminate a person from a specific list in the string. The substr() technique is utilized to separate pieces of a string between the given boundaries. This technique takes two boundaries, one is the beginning record and the other is the closure file of the string. The string between these records is returned. The part of the string previously, then after the fact the person to be taken out is isolated and combined. This eliminates the person from the particular record.

Eliminate first person from a string in JavaScript

This post will talk about how to eliminate the principal character from a string in JavaScript.

Since strings are permanent in JavaScript, we can’t set up eliminate characters from it. The thought is to make another string all things considered. There are three different ways in JavaScript to eliminate the principal character from a string:


string.slice(0, position - 1) + string.slice(position, string.length);


<!DOCTYPE html>
        How to remove a character from 
        string using Javascript?
    <h1 style="color: green">
        How to remove a character from
        a string using Javascript?
    <p>Original string is GeeksforGeeks</p>
        New String is: 
        <span class="output"></span>
    <!-- Removing the 6th character -->
    <button onclick="removeCharacter(6)">
        Remove Character
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function removeCharacter(position) {
            originalString = 'GeeksForGeeks';
            newString = originalString.slice(0, position - 1)
            + originalString.slice(position, originalString.length);
            document.querySelector('.output').textContent = newString;



Also Read: How to Find Linux File Creation Time using Debugfs?

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