Python program to sort a list of tuples by second Item

Introduction to Python program to sort a list of tuples by second Item

In this article I will explain Python program to sort a list of tuples by second Item. At the point when it is needed to sort a rundown of tuples dependent on the subsequent thing, the lambda work and ‘arranged’ strategy can be utilized.

A rundown can be utilized to store heterogeneous qualities (i.e information of any information type like whole number, drifting point, strings, etc). A rundown of tuple essentially contains tuples encased in a rundown.

Mysterious capacity is a capacity which is characterized without a name.

As a rule, capacities in Python are characterized utilizing ‘def’ watchword, yet mysterious capacity is characterized with the assistance of ‘lambda’ catchphrase. It takes a solitary articulation, however can take quite a few contentions. It utilizes the articulation and returns its consequence.

We have one rundown of tuples in, and we really want to sort it by the record of arranging, which is the second part of the tuple. At the point when a rundown of tuples is arranged constantly esteem, the tuples’ situations in the rundown are reworked with the goal that the second upsides of the tuples are in climbing request.


def tuple_sort(my_tuple):
   return(sorted(my_tuple, key = lambda x: x[1]))
my_tuple = [('bill', 11), ('rick', 45), ('john', 89), ('liv', 25)]
print("The list of tuple is : ")
print("After sorting, the list of tuple becomes : ")


The list of tuple is :
[('bill', 11), ('rick', 45), ('john', 89), ('liv', 25)]
After sorting, the list of tuple becomes :
[('bill', 11), ('liv', 25), ('rick', 45), ('john', 89)]

In this way, We will sort a rundown of tuples with the assistance of three techniques. Allow us to view the guides to comprehend the info yield design:

Input List = [(‘shubh’, 2), (‘sinha’, 4), (‘this evening’, 8), (‘study’, 6)]

Outpot List = [(‘shubh’, 2), (‘sinha’, 4), (‘study’, 6), (‘this evening’, 8)]

Input List = [(200, 6), (100, 3), (400, 12), (300, 9)]

Outpot List = [(100, 3), (200, 6), (300, 9), (400, 12)]

How to Sort a List of Tuples by Any Element or Custom Value?

How about we first casing our concern in more detail: We have a rundown of tuples that we need to sort by their subsequent component or amount of components or whatever else that isn’t the primary component of the rundown. The default conduct of both sort() and arranged() is to utilize the main section of each tuple as an arranging basis. This is the thing that might prompt treat for novices.

The distinction between the two choices is that the first sorts the rundown set up and the subsequent one makes another rundown example and adds the arranged things to this new occurrence. So in the two cases, you end up with an arranged rundown. Assuming that you want to protect the rundown’s underlying state utilize arranged() in some other case you ought to lean toward calling sort() straightforwardly on the rundown. In the two cases, the rundown will be arranged by Python’s default: Each tuple’s first section.

To abrogate the default conduct we utilize the discretionary boundary key which is given by both sort() and arranged(). The boundary key expects a capacity that can process a worth from a tuple. It is exceptionally normal to utilize a lambda to abrogate the default conduct. Assuming that you are not yet acquainted with Python’s lambdas read all the foundation information in this article.

Strategy #1: Using the Bubble Sort

Utilizing the strategy of Bubble Sort to we can play out the arranging. Note that each tuple is a component in the given rundown. Access the second component of each tuple utilizing the settled circles. This plays out the set up strategy for arranging. The time intricacy is like the Bubble Sort for example O(n^2).

# Python program to sort a list of tuples by the second Item
# Function to sort the list of tuples by its second item
def Sort_Tuple(tup): 
    # getting length of list of tuples
    lst = len(tup) 
    for i in range(0, lst): 
        for j in range(0, lst-i-1): 
            if (tup[j][1] > tup[j + 1][1]): 
                temp = tup[j] 
                tup[j]= tup[j + 1
                tup[j + 1]= temp 
    return tup 
# Driver Code 
tup =[('for', 24), ('is', 10), ('Geeks', 28), 
      ('Geeksforgeeks', 5), ('portal', 20), ('a', 15)] 


[('Geeksforgeeks', 5), ('is', 10), ('a', 15), ('portal', 20), ('for', 24), ('Geeks', 28)]

Strategy #2: Using sort() technique

While arranging through this strategy the genuine substance of the tuple is changed, and very much like the past technique, the set up strategy for the sort is performed.

# Python program to sort a list of
# tuples by the second Item using sort() 
# Function to sort hte list by second item of tuple
def Sort_Tuple(tup): 
    # reverse = None (Sorts in Ascending order) 
    # key is set to sort using second element of 
    # sublist lambda has been used 
    tup.sort(key = lambda x: x[1]) 
    return tup 
# Driver Code 
tup = [('rishav', 10), ('akash', 5), ('ram', 20), ('gaurav', 15)] 
# printing the sorted list of tuples


[('akash', 5), ('rishav', 10), ('gaurav', 15), ('ram', 20)]

Strategy #3: Using arranged() technique

Arranged() technique sorts a rundown and consistently returns a rundown with the components in an arranged way, without changing the first grouping. It takes three boundaries from which two are discretionary, here we attempted to utilize the entirety of the three:

Iterable: arrangement (list, tuple, string) or assortment (word reference, set, frozenset) or some other iterator that should be arranged.

Key(optional): A capacity that would fill in as a key or a premise of sort examination.

Reverse(optional): To sort this in rising request we might have quite recently overlooked the third boundary, which we did in this program. Whenever set valid, then, at that point, the iterable would be arranged backward (plunging) request, of course it is set as bogus.

# Python program to sort a list of
# tuples by the second Item using sorted() 
# Function to sort the list by second item of tuple
def Sort_Tuple(tup): 
    # reverse = None (Sorts in Ascending order) 
    # key is set to sort using second element of 
    # sublist lambda has been used 
    return(sorted(tup, key = lambda x: x[1]))  
# Driver Code 
tup = [('rishav', 10), ('akash', 5), ('ram', 20), ('gaurav', 15)] 
# printing the sorted list of tuples


[('akash', 5), ('rishav', 10), ('gaurav', 15), ('ram', 20)]

Also Read: Reverse an array in Java

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