Eigen Values of Similar Matrices | Linear Algebra


Two matrices, say A and B, are called similar if there exists an invertible matrix P such that:




This means that B is essentially a transformed version of A. But here’s the cool part: even though A and B might look different, they share something very special—their eigenvalues!”

Eigenvalues are those special numbers that tell us about the scaling factor of a matrix when it acts on its eigenvectors. Now, here’s the key insight: Similar matrices have the same eigenvalues!

Why is that? Well, let’s break it down.

If λ is an eigenvalue of A, then there exists a vector v such that:




Now, if we substitute A with its similar matrix B, we get:





Similar matrices and their eigenvalues are super important in fields like physics, computer graphics, and data science. For example, in quantum mechanics, similar matrices represent the same physical system but in different bases. And in machine learning, eigenvalues help us understand the structure of data.”


Video Lecture for Eigen Values of Similar Matrices-Derivation




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