Top 10 Manufacturers of GaAs and GaN Wafers

GaAs and GaN manufacturers List

Manufacturers of GaAs and GaN Top 10 Manufacturers of GaAs and GaN Wafers. Manufacturers of GaAs and GaN provide a variety of materials for use in electronics. Manufacturers specializing in GaAs and GaN produce devices such as diode lasers, transistors, Read More …

What are the Different Applications of Quantum Computing?

Quantum Computing

Introduction to Quantum Computing What are the Different Applications of Quantum Computing?  Quantum computing  is the study of quantum-mechanical systems and their potential applications in computing devices. It is an interdisciplinary field combining physics, computer science, mathematics and engineering. Quantum Read More …

Top 10 Resume Mistakes You Should Avoid as an Electrical Engineer Fresher

Common resume writing

When you’re applying for a software engineering position, your resume should be tailored to show that you have the skills and experience required for the job. This means including keywords from the job listing and highlighting your relevant experience and skills.

What is the Linux Distro? Best Linux distro for developers 2022

Linux Distro

While choosing a Linux distro, the first thing you need to ask is why do you want to use it? or what is its use? The professional or commercial use of LINUX distro will require different distros. For example, if you are planning to use it for tracking you finances or you are interested to serve a marketplace then same types of bistros should not be used. That will be quite a bad choice. Though you can be a new computer user but still you can probably decide it is quite a foolish act. 

What are Some Funny Kahoot Names?

funny kahoot names

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