What are the differences between RISC and CISC architecture?

difference between RISC and CISC architecture

Differentiate between CISC and RISC?

In this article you will learn about major differences between RISC and CISC architecture. First lets see what is the RISC and CISC architecture.


RISC is the abbreviation of Reduced Instruction Set Computer; it is speedy and compact as its name indicates. It follows the pipelining procedure and normally it can execute one instruction in one machine cycle.

Its diagram is given as:

RISC architecture
RISC architecture

RISC is mainly used for general instructions. It doesn’t perform complex operations.


CISC architecture or CISC is abbreviated as Complex Instruction Set Computer. It is not as fast as compared to RISC and not as efficient either but that’s not the reason of its innovation. It was invented so that complex or instructions that are not followed by RISC of user can be implemented.

It also follows the pipeline procedure, but it is slow.

CISC Architecture
CISC Architecture

Difference Between RISC and CISC Architecture

difference between RISC and CISC
difference between RISC and CISC

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