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what is the difference between Macros and Modules?
what is the difference between Macros and Modules? What is Macros? A Macros may be a piece of programming code that runs in ms excel environment, and it helps to automate daily tasks. In other words, a macro could be a recording of your regular steps in excel, which you’ll be able to replay employing a single button.

You can import the information into the format and excel. each day you may be required to perform the identical ritual. it’d become boring and uninteresting.
Macros solve such problems by automating these daily tasks . so you’ll be able to use a macro to record the steps of
Importing the info.
And you’re formatting it to satisfy your business reporting requirements.
Macros Basics
Macros are one in all the developer features. But the tab for developers isn’t displayed in excel. So, you may have to present it via the customize report.
Macros are accustomed compromise your system by attackers. they’re disabled in excel. If you would like to run macros, then you’ll must enable running macros and only run macros that you just believe it comes from a trusted source.
If you would like to avoid wasting the macros, then you need to protect your workbook in an exceedingly macro-enabled format *.xlsm and also the macro name mustn’t contain any spaces.
What Does Macro Mean?
A macro is an automatic input sequence that imitates keystrokes or mouse actions. A macro is usually accustomed replace a repetitive series of keyboard and mouse actions and used often in spreadsheets and data processing applications like MS Excel and MS Word.
The file extension of a macro is often .MAC.
The concept of macros is additionally well-known among MMORPG gamers (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) specialists. within the world of programming, macros are programming scripts employed by developers to re-use code.
The term macro stands for “macro-instruction” (long instruction). Explains Macro. By running a macro, users are ready to minify time that’s normally consumed by repetitive tasks. Some macros, just like the ones in MS Excel, might also contain functions. An Excel macro is often created by recording a sequence of keyboard and mouse actions using the Macro Recorder. It also can be created using Visual Basic (because even a recorded macro is formed of Visual Basic code).
A stored macro can then be accessed from a menu list or from the toolbar and go by simply clicking. you’ll also assign a hotkey to the macro for even faster access. Since macros are often called automatically as soon as a digital document is loaded, they need been employed by malicious individuals for creating macro viruses.
Macros in computer programing
In computer programing, macros are pieces of code that are given a reputation. when that name is employed, the content of the macro is executed. they will resemble either objects or well as function calls.
What is a Module?
A module could be a collection of declarations, statements, and procedures that are stored together as a unit. Modules are very kind of like Macros since they’re objects that add functionality to the database. However, while you create macros in Access by selecting from a listing of macro actions, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) programing language is employed for writing modules.
Modules generally belong to 2 types:
- Class modules
- Standard modules.
Class modules contain procedures that are related to a selected form or report it’s attached to. Standard modules contain general procedures that are not related to specific objects. Standard modules are listed under Modules within the navigation pane, whereas class modules aren’t.
Developing Programming Code
The artificial language available in Access is Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications, which is almost a twin of Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6). VBA code will be stored in modules and code behind forms and reports. Modules may be classes.
To manipulate data in tables and queries in VBA, two database access libraries of COM components are provided: Data Access Objects (DAO), which is included in Access and Windows and evolved to ACE in Microsoft Access for the ACCDB database format, and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). Beside DAO and ADO, developers may also use OLE DB and ODBC for developing native C/C++ programs for Access. ACEDAO is most appropriate for managing data in Access/Jet databases and also the only thanks to manipulate the complex field types in ACCDB tables.
Designing a Module
Accessing the Visual Basic Window
In order to access the VBA environment, press Alt-F11 while your Access database file is receptive access the Microsoft Visual Basic window. See the instance below.

Differences between MACROs and Modules
1. A macro could be a series of instructions that MS-access can execute.
A module could be a place where you’ll put in VBA code. the opposite difference is that you cannot run a module, but you’ll be able to run a macro. However, you’ll be able to most certainly run code that’s placed into a module
2. Another difference is that macros are easier to grasp and work with from a beginners viewpoint. Modules, which contain VBA code are harder to urge getting in but are far more flexible and may do lots more than macros. Macros haven’t got error handling while modules aka VBA code do
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