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what is the electromotive force (emf) ?
what is the difference between electromotive force and potential difference? Electromotive force is characterized as the electric likely delivered by either electrochemical cell or by changing the attractive field. EMF is the generally utilized abbreviation for electromotive force.
A generator or a battery is utilized for the change of energy starting with one structure then onto the next. In these gadgets, one terminal turns out to be decidedly charged while the other turns out to be contrarily charged. Along these lines, an electromotive force is a work done on a unit electric charge.
Electromotive force is utilized in the electromagnetic flowmeter which is a utilization of Faraday’s law.
what is the difference between the emf and potential difference?

You can consider various kinds of voltage sources. Batteries themselves come in numerous assortments. There are numerous kinds of mechanical/electrical generators, driven by various fuel sources, going from atomic to wind. Sun oriented cells make voltages straightforwardly from light, while thermoelectric gadgets make voltage from temperature contrasts. A couple of voltage sources are appeared in Figure 1. All such gadgets make a possible distinction and can supply current whenever associated with a resistance. On the limited scale, the potential contrast makes an electric field that applies force on charges, causing current. We accordingly utilize the name electromotive force, condensed emf. Emf isn’t a force by any means; it is a unique kind of possible distinction. To be exact, the electromotive force (emf) is the possible contrast of a source when no current is streaming. Units of emf are volts.
Electromotive force is straightforwardly identified with the wellspring of likely contrast, like the specific blend of synthetic substances in a battery. In any case, emf varies from the voltage yield of the gadget when current streams. The voltage across the terminals of a battery, for instance, is not exactly the emf when the battery supplies current, and it decreases further as the battery is drained or stacked down. Nonetheless, assuming the gadget’s yield voltage can be estimated without drawing current, yield voltage will approach emf (in any event, for an exceptionally drained battery).
What is internal resistance?
As indicated previously, a 12-V truck battery is genuinely bigger, contains more charge and energy, and can convey a bigger current than a 12-V cruiser battery. Both are lead-corrosive batteries with indistinguishable emf, be that as it may, in light of its size, the truck battery has a more modest inside resistance r. Interior resistance is the intrinsic resistance to the progression of current inside the actual source. Figure 2 is a schematic portrayal of the two major pieces of any voltage source. The emf (addressed by a content E in the figure) and inward resistance r are in arrangement. The more modest the inner resistance for a given emf, the more current and the more force the source can supply.

Animals as Electrical Detectors
Various creatures both deliver and distinguish electrical signs. Fish, sharks, platypuses, and echidnas (spiked insect eating animals) all identify electric fields created by nerve action in prey. Electric eels produce their own emf through natural cells (electric organs) called electroplaques, which are masterminded in both arrangement and equal as a bunch of batteries. Electroplaques are level, plate like cells; those of the electric eel have a voltage of 0.15 V across every one. These cells are generally situated toward the head or tail of the creature, albeit on account of the electric eel, they are found along the whole body. The electroplaques in the South American eel are orchestrated in 140 lines, with each line extending on a level plane along the body and containing 5,000 electroplaques. This can yield an emf of roughly 600 V, and a current of 1 A—dangerous. The instrument for discovery of outside electric fields is like that for creating nerve signals in the phone through depolarization and repolarization—the development of particles across the phone film. Inside the fish, feeble electric fields in the water produce a current in a gel-filled trench that runs from the skin to detecting cells, creating a nerve signal. The Australian platypus, one of the not many well evolved creatures that lay eggs, can distinguish fields of 30 mV, while sharks have been discovered to have the option to detect a field in their noses as little as 100 mV Electric eels utilize their own electric fields delivered by the electroplaques to daze their prey or adversaries.

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