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Best Raspberry Pi Projects 2021
Best Raspberry Pi Projects 2021. This article center around what might be the best Raspberry Pi Projects for 2021. Raspberry Pi is perhaps the most dependable gadgets for each do-it-yourselfer. It is a minimal effort, little estimated PC that empowers you to make projects or even gadgets through processing.
Through this little gadget, you would now be able to make your own surveillance camera, game support, instrument, and some more. Fresher models like Raspberry Pi Model 4B-2GB even permit you to make projects without any preparation and afterward have them associated on your Wi-Fi. These minuscule PCs that seem as though a circuit board offer a ton of possibilities and conceivable outcomes.
GPIO music Box
In this venture, we’ll fabricate a catch controlled ‘music box’ snared to a Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins that plays various sounds when various catches are squeezed. Not exclusively does it help educate about utilizing press catches and other inputs through GPIO Zero, it’s additionally a decent method to learn about playing music or other sound with Python.

How to set up your project
You will require some example sounds for this project. There are bunches of sound records in Raspbian, however, it tends to be somewhat hard to play them utilizing Python. Notwithstanding, you can change over the sound records to an alternate document design that you can use in Python all the more without any problem. In the first place, in your home registry (/home/pi) make an index called gpio-music-box by right clicking also, choosing New Folder. You will utilize the new index to store every one of your documents for the venture.
Copy the sample sounds
Make an envelope called tests in your gpio‑music-box registry. There are bunches of test sounds put away in the /usr/share/sonic-pi/tests registry. In this progression, you will duplicate these sounds into the gpio-music-box/tests registry. Snap on the symbol in the upper left corner of your screen to open a Terminal window. Type the following order to duplicate every one of the records from one index to the next:
cp -r /usr/share/sonic-pi/samples/*
After doing that you should be able to see all the FLAC (.flac) files in the directory.
How to convert the sound files?
To play the sound documents utilizing Python, you need to change the documents from FLAC over to WAV design. In a Terminal, move to your examples registry:
cd ~/gpio-music-box/samples
At that point enter the accompanying orders. This will convert all the FLAC records to the WAV design and at that point erase the old documents.
for f in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i “$f”
“${f%.flac}.wav”; done
rm *.flac
It will require a little while, contingent upon the Raspberry Pi model that you are utilizing. You ought to presently have the option to see all the new .wav documents in the tests catalog.

Play sounds
Then, you will begin to compose your Python code. You can utilize any content manager or IDE to do this — Thonny is consistently a decent decision; you can discover it in the Raspbian work area applications menu (click the upper left raspberry symbol) under the Programming class. To begin to make the instruments of your music box, you need to test whether Python can play a portion of the examples that you have copied. To start with, import and initialize the Pygame module for playing sound files:
import pygame
Save this record in your gpio-music-box index as Pick four sound records that you need to use for your venture, for instance:
At that point, make a Python object that connects to one of these sound records. Give the record its own special name. For instance:
drum = pygame.mixer.Sound(“/home/pi/gpiomusic-
Make named objects for your leftover three sounds: cymbal, cowbell, and catch. Save and run your code. At that point, in the shell sheet in the Thonny proofreader, use .play() orders to play the sounds. For instance:
If you are not able to hear the sound then check your speakers either they are connected properly or not. Also check the volume button.
Connect your buttons
You will require four catches, wired to GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi. You’ll have to have one side each wired to an alternate, programmable GPIO pin (not 5 V, 3.3 V, or GND), and every one of them will likewise need to end at GND, with a resistor some place in the circuit. Spot the four catches into your breadboard. Wire each catch to an alternate numbered GPIO pin. You can pick any GPIO pins you like, yet you will require to recollect their BCM numbers, which you can find on

Play sounds at the press of a button
We will utilize the GPIO Zero Python library to control the catches. At the point when a particular catch is squeezed, the program should call a capacity such as Nonetheless, when you utilize an occasion, (for example, a button press) to call a capacity, you don’t utilize sections (). This is on the grounds that the program must possibly call the capacity when the catch is squeezed, Maybe than straight away. Along these lines, for this situation, you just use In the first place, set up one of your catches. Recall to utilize the numbers for the GPIO pins that you have utilized – allude to for how this should look. Keep in mind, you need to import the right piece of GPIO Zero and afterward characterize the significant catch.
To play the sound when the catch is squeezed, just add this line of code to the lower part of your document:
btn_drum.when_pressed =
Run the program and press the catch. In the event that you don’t hear the sound playing, at that point check the wiring of your catch. Presently, add code to make the excess three catches play their sounds. This should end up looking something like
Improve your script
The code that you have composed should work with no issues. Notwithstanding, it’s for the most part a smart thought to make your code a piece cleaner once you have a model that works. The subsequent stages are altogether discretionary. In case you’re content with your content, at that point simply leave it all things considered. In the event that you need to make your content a piece cleaner, you can have a go at putting away your catch articles and sounds in a word reference, rather than making eight various articles. Have a glance at the means beneath to find out about making fundamental word references and looping over them.
Guide to dictionaries
A word reference is a kind of information structure in Python. It contains a progression of ‘key : esteem’ sets. Here is an exceptionally basic model:
band = {‘john’ : ‘musicality guitar’, ‘paul’
: ‘bass’, ‘george’ : ‘lead guitar’,
‘ringo’ : ‘bass guitar’}
The word reference suffers a heart attack, for this situation band, what’s more, the information in it is encircled by wavy sections ({}). Inside the word reference are the ‘key : esteem’ sets. For this situation the keys are the names of the musicians; the qualities are the names of the instruments they play. Keys and qualities have colons between them (:), and each pair is isolated by a comma (,). You can likewise compose word references so that each ‘key : esteem’ pair is composed on another line.
band = {
‘john’ : ‘musicality guitar’,
‘paul’ : ‘low register guitar’,
‘george’ : ‘lead guitar’,
‘ringo’ : ‘low register guitar’
To look into a specific worth in a word reference, you can utilize its key. Thus, for example, on the off chance that you needed to discover out what instrument ringo plays, you could type: band[‘ringo’]

Creating a sound dictionary
The first step is to create a dictionary that uses the buttons as keys and sound as values.

Now the for loop can be used if you want to play the sound whenever the button is pressed.
for button, sound in button_sounds.items():
button.when_pressed =
Code for GPIO music Box

For downloading the full code, click here