What are the differences between type and isinstance in Python

What is type() in Python?

Python has an implicit capacity called type() that assists you with observing the class kind of the variable given as information. For instance, on the off chance that the information is a string, you will get the result as <class ‘str’>, for the rundown, it will be <class ‘list’>, and so forth

Utilizing type() order, you can pass a solitary contention, and the return worth will be the class sort of the contention given, model: type(object).

It is likewise conceivable to pass three contentions to type(), i.e., type(name, bases, dict), in such case, it will return you another sort object.

Language structure for type():

type() can be utilized in two ways as displayed beneath:

  • type(object)
  • type(namr, bases, dict)
  • Boundaries: type(object)

object: This is an obligatory boundary. Assuming this is just boundary passed to type(), than it will return you the sort of the boundary.

str_list = "Welcome to Guru99"
age = 50
pi = 3.14
c_num = 3j+10
my_list = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
my_tuple = ("A", "B", "C", "D")
my_dict = {"A":"a", "B":"b", "C":"c", "D":"d"}
my_set = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}

print("The type is : ",type(str_list))
print("The type is : ",type(age))
print("The type is : ",type(pi))
print("The type is : ",type(c_num))
print("The type is : ",type(my_list))
print("The type is : ",type(my_tuple))
print("The type is : ",type(my_dict))
print("The type is : ",type(my_set))


The type is :<class 'str'>
The type is :<class 'int'>
The type is :<class 'float'>
The type is :<class 'complex'>
The type is :<class 'list'>
The type is :<class 'tuple'>
The type is :<class 'dict'>
The type is :<class 'set'>

name:name of the class.

  • bases: (discretionary). This is a discretionary boundary, and it is the base class
  • dict: (discretionary). This is a discretionary boundary, and it is a namespace that has the meaning of the class.

Bring Value back:

On the off chance that the item is the main boundary passed to type() then, at that point, it will return you the kind of the article.

If the params passed to type is a type(object, bases, dict), in such case, it will return another kind of item.

Illustration of type()

In this, model we have a string esteem, number , float esteem, a perplexing number, list, tuple , dict and set. We will utilize the factors with type to see the result for every one of them.

Model: Using type() for class object.

class test:
    s = 'testing'

t = test()


<class '__main__.test'>

At the point when you check the article made from a class utilizing type(), it returns the class type alongside the name of the class. In this model, we will make a class and check the article type made from the class test.

Model: Using the name, bases, and dict in type()

The sort can be likewise called utilizing the punctuation: type(name, bases, dict).

The three boundaries passed to type()i.e., name, bases and dict are the parts that make up a class definition. The name addresses the class name, the bases is the base class, and dict is the word reference of base class ascribes.

In this model, we will utilize every one of the three params i.e name, bases, and dict in type().


class MyClass:
  x = 'Hello World'
  y = 50

t1 = type('NewClass', (MyClass,), dict(x='Hello World', y=50))


<class 'type'>
{'x': 'Hello World', 'y': 50, '__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None}

At the point when you pass each of the three contentions to type() , it assists you with instating new class with base class credits.

What is isinstance() in Python?

Python isinstance is essential for python worked in capacities. Python isinstance() takes in two contentions, and it returns valid assuming the principal contention is an example of the classinfo allowed as the subsequent contention.

  • Sentence structure isinstance()
  • isinstance(object, classtype)


object: An item whose example you are contrasting and classtype. It will return valid assuming that the kind matches in any case bogus.

class type: A sort or a class or a tuple of types or potentially classes.

Bring esteem back:

It will return valid assuming that the item is an occurrence of classtype and bogus if not.

Instances of isinstance()

In this part, we will concentrate on different guides to learn isinstance()

Model : isinstance() Integer check

age = isinstance(51,int)
print("age is an integer:", age)


age is an integer: True

The code underneath contrasts number worth 51 and type int. It will return genuine it the sort of 51 coordinates with int in any case bogus.

Model : isinstance() Float check

In this model we will contrast the float worth and type float for example 3.14 worth will be contrast and type float.

pi = isinstance(3.14,float)
print("pi is a float:", pi)


pi is a float: True

Model: isinstance() String check

message = isinstance("Hello World",str)
print("message is a string:", message)


message is a string: True

Model : isinstance() Tuple check

The code checks for a tuple (1,2,3,4,5) with type tuple. It will return valid assuming the information given is of type tuple and bogus if not.

my_tuple = isinstance((1,2,3,4,5),tuple)
print("my_tuple is a tuple:", my_tuple)


my_tuple is a tuple: True

Difference Between type() and isinstance() in Python

type() isinstance()
Python has a built-in function called type() that helps you find the class type of the variable given as input. Python has a built-in function called isinstance() that compares the value with the type given. If the value and type given matches it will return true otherwise false.
The return value is a type object The return value is a Boolean i.e true or false.
class A:
my_listA = [1,2,3]

class B(A):
my_listB = [1,2,3]

print(type(A()) == A)
print(type(B()) == A)



In case of type the subclass check gives back false.

class A:
my_listA = [1,2,3]

class B(A):
my_listB = [1,2,3]

print(isinstance(A(), A))
print(isinstance(B(), A))



isinstance() gives a truthy value when checked with a subclass.


  • Python has an implicit capacity called type() that assists you with observing the class sort of the variable given as info. For instance, assuming the information is a string, you will get the result as <class ‘str’>, for the rundown, it will be <class ‘list’>, and so forth
  • For type(), you can pass a solitary contention, and the return worth will be the class sort of the contention given, e.g., type(object).
  • It is additionally conceivable to pass three contentions to type(), i.e., type(name, bases, dict), in such case, it will return you another sort object.
  • Python has an inherent capacity called case() that contrasts the worth and the sort given. It the worth and type given matches it will return genuine in any case bogus. Utilizing isinstance(), you can test for string, float, int, list, tuple, dict, set, class, and so on
  • Utilizing isinstance() strategy, you can test for string, float, int, list, tuple, dict, set, class, and so forth

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