Python the Harvester – How to use it?

The Harvester is an apparatus that was created in python. Utilizing this you can accumulate data like messages, subdomains, has, worker names, open ports and standards from various public sources like web indexes, PGP key servers, and SHODAN PC data set.

theHarvester is another apparatus like sublist3r which is created utilizing Python. This instrument can be involved by infiltration analyzers for social affair data of messages, sub-spaces, has, representative names, open ports, and pennants from various public sources like web indexes, PGP key servers, and SHODAN PC information base. This apparatus can be utilized in latent surveillance and by any individual who has to know what an aggressor can see about the association.

How to use this harvester tool

  theharvester -d [domain name] -b [search engine name / all ][options] [parameters]


  • -d: Domain to search or company name.
  • -b: Data source: baidu, bing, bingapi, dogpile, google, googleCSE, googleplus, google-profiles, linkedin, pgp, twitter, vhost, yahoo, all.
  • -s: Start in result number X (default: 0).
  • -v: Verify hostname via DNS resolution and also search for virtual hosts.
  • -f: Save the results into an HTML and XML file (both).
  • -n: Perform DNS reverse query on all ranges discovered.
  • -c: Perform DNS brute force for the domain name.
  • -t: Perform DNS TLD expansion discovery.
  • -e: Use this DNS server.
  • -l: Limit the number of results to work with (bing goes from 20 to 20 results, google 100 to 100, and pgp doesn’t use this option).
  • -h: Use SHODAN database to query discovered hosts.

The most effective method to introduce theHarvester

In the event that you are utilizing a Kali Linux machine, this apparatus is as of now introduced in it, simply type the order




It  will generate a help menu and list all available options which look like this:

root@kali:~# theharvester

*                                                                 *
* | |_| |__   ___    /\  /\__ _ _ ____   _____  ___| |_ ___ _ __  *
* | __| '_ \ / _ \  / /_/ / _` | '__\ \ / / _ \/ __| __/ _ \ '__| *
* | |_| | | |  __/ / __  / (_| | |   \ V /  __/\__ \ ||  __/ |    *
*  \__|_| |_|\___| \/ /_/ \__, _|_|    \_/ \___||___/\__\___|_|    *
*                                                                 *
* TheHarvester Ver. 3.0.0                                         *
* Coded by Christian Martorella                                   *
* Edge-Security Research                                          *
* [email protected]                                   *

Usage: theharvester options 

       -d: Domain to search or company name
       -b: data source: baidu, bing, bingapi, dogpile, google, googleCSE,
                        googleplus, google-profiles, linkedin, pgp, twitter, vhost, 
                        virustotal, threatcrowd, crtsh, netcraft, yahoo, all

       -s: start in result number X (default: 0)
       -v: verify host name via dns resolution and search for virtual hosts
       -f: save the results into an HTML and XML file (both)
       -n: perform a DNS reverse query on all ranges discovered
       -c: perform a DNS brute force for the domain name
       -t: perform a DNS TLD expansion discovery
       -e: use this DNS server
       -p: port scan the detected hosts and check for Takeovers (80, 443, 22, 21, 8080)
       -l: limit the number of results to work with(bing goes from 50 to 50 results,
            google 100 to 100, and pgp doesn't use this option)
       -h: use SHODAN database to query discovered hosts

        theharvester -d -l 500 -b google -h myresults.html
        theharvester -d -b pgp
        theharvester -d microsoft -l 200 -b linkedin
        theharvester -d -b googleCSE -l 500 -s 300

To install it in other Linux os you can use the command

 sudo apt-get theharvester

If this do not work you can clone the Git hub repository and use it using commands

git clone
cd theHarvester
sudo python ./


Search email addresses from domain with results of 200 and using Bing as data source.

theharvester -d -l 200 -b bing

Also Read: How to Recover a Deleted File in Linux?

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