Design of a 3-bit Up Counter using JK Flip-Flop

State Transitions of 3-bit Up Counter


In this article I have descried how to Design of a 3-bit Up Counter using JK Flip-Flop. 3 bit up counter is a synchronous counter that uses three bits at the output for producing the values from 000 to 111. It is called up counter as its values are incremented from 0 to 1 to 2 ….till 7.

3 JK flip flops are used for representing each bit. The possible states can be determined using the formula:


(000 → 001  → 010  → 011  → 100 → 101  → 110  → 111  → 000)

State Transitions of 3-bit Up Counter
State Transitions of 3-bit Up Counter

The name synchronous is given since all the flip flops are triggered by the common clock signal.

Design Steps of 3-bit Up Counter

The first step is to understand the truth table of JK Flip Flop

J K Qn+1
0 0 Qn
0 1 0 (Reset)
1 0 1 (set)
1 1 (Qn)’ Toggle

After that, we will design the excitation table for a single flip flop

excitation table

From the above table we can notice that when Qn and Qn+1 are both zero (no change in state) then the possible input combinations are (J=0, K=0 or since Qn+1 is 0 (Reset State) so J=0 and K=1). This simply implies that J must be equal to 0 while K can be either 0 or 1 (so dont care condition for K as depicted in the above table). Similarly,  for Qn =0 and Qn+1 =1, there is the change in state (from 0 to 1) so this is possible when both inputs are equal to 1 or when flip flop is in the set state (J=1, K=1 & J=1, K=0). This combination results in J=1 and K=x (dont care again. The same is true for rest of the two combinations.

The simplified excitation table is shown below:

Qn Qn+1 J K
0 0 0 x
0 1 1 x
1 0 x 1
1 1 x 0

Now, we can determine the input combinations for all three flip flops as depicted below:

Excitation Table for 3 bit up counter using jk flip flop

Derivation of Input Equations Using K-Map

Input Equations of JK flip flop for Up counter
Input Equations of JK flip flop for Up counter

Finally, you can draw the circuit diagram for it.

Design of 3 bit Up Counter using JK Flip Flop

Design of 3 bit Up Counter using JK Flip Flop-Step by Step Explained

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