electromagnetic field theory assignment 1 assignemn Solution of assignment 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XveFVF6vyFk
Month: September 2021
What are the binary logic levels and high impedance states?
What are the binary logic levels and high impedance states? What are the binary logic levels and high impedance states? Logic gates are electronic circuits that regulate on one or more input signals to produce an output signal. Electrical signals Read More …
Lab manual 2 digital logic design
Verify the truth table of Logic Gates NAND and XOR lab2
What is the barrier potential of PN junction diode ?
The PN junction diode What is the barrier potential of PN junction diode? The barrier potential is the amount of the energy that is required by any charge to overcome for crossing one junction. If a charge has this much Read More …
what is the vector analysis?
what is the vector analysis? what is the vector analysis? Vector analysis is the mathematical analysis used for understanding the core concepts of electromagnetic field theory. It involves: vector algebra orthogonal coordinate systems vector calculus what is the vector algebra? Read More …
what is the scalar triple product and vector triple product?
what is the scalar triple product and vector triple product? what is the scalar triple product and vector triple product? Scalar Triple product When we multiply three vectors such that their resultant is a scalar quantity then this is called Read More …
how parallel architecture is used for accelerating BL-SOM using dedicated hardware
What is Batch Learning self organizing mapping (BL-SOM) how parallel architecture is used for accelerating BL-SOM using dedicated hardware. This is a review article and all rights are reserved by Ryota Miyauchi, Akira Kojima, Hideyuki Kawabata and Tetsuo Hironaka Graduate Read More …
IPV4 & IPV6 IPV4 Vs IPV6. Lets first study about what is internet Protocol (IP) ? Internet Protocol Internet Protocol is a set of technical rules that defines how computers communicate over a network. It is a network-layer protocol used Read More …
What is UMTS?
What is UMTS? What is UMTS? Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) is envisioned as the successor to Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). UMTS signals the move into the third generation (3G) of mobile networks. UMTS also addresses the growing Read More …
what is the switch Statement in C++?
Introduction to switch Statement what is the switch Statement in C++?. In programming, whenever you have to select amongst the multiple options for the same variable switch statement is preferable. It is also possible to implement the decision tree with Read More …