Thyristor-a four layer diode What is the thyristor and where it is used? Thyristor activity can be clarified regarding the comparable circuit appeared in the following figure. The upper semiconductor Q1 is a pnp gadget, and the lower semiconductor Q2 Read More …
Author: Asma Mushtaq
what are the properties of conductors in electrical terms?
what are the conductors? what are the properties of conductors in electrical terms? Copper is a decent conductor. The explanation is clear when we take a gander at its nuclear construction as shown in figure below. The core of the Read More …
What is the bisection method? Example of Bisection method
What is the bisection method? What is the bisection method? Example of Bisection method. The bisection method is used for finding the roots of transcendental equations or algebraic equations. This is also called a bracketing method as its brackets the Read More …
what are the properties of an ideal capacitor?
What is an ideal capacitor? what are the properties of an ideal capacitor? A capacitor is a passive component of any electric or electrical circuit. It opposes in change in voltages. It stores the energy when steady voltages are applied. Read More …
What is the wind energy? Explain simple HAWT system
Introduction to wind energy What is the wind energy? How it falls in the category of renewable energy resources? It is an important type of renewable energy. Wind energy, as solar energy, is a significant sustainable asset. Wind is really Read More …
What is the light emitting diode (LED)? How does it work?
What is the light emitting diode? What is the light emitting diode? The answer to the question what is the light emitting diode is very simple. The fundamental activity of the light-producing diode (LED) is as per the following. At Read More …
What is the Consensus Theorem?
What is the Consensus Theorem? What is the Consensus Theorem? The consensus or resolvent of the phrases AB and A’C is BC. It is the conjunction of all of the particular literals of the phrases, with the exception of the Read More …
How solar panel is constructed using photovoltaic cell?
Photovoltaic (PV) Cell Structure and Operation How solar panel is constructed using photovoltaic cell? The photovoltaic impact is the essential actual cycle by which a sun oriented cell changes over daylight into power. Daylight contains photons or “parcels” of energy Read More …
Lab manual 6 digital logic design
Lab manual 6 digital logic design Lab manual 6 digital logic design
What is the meaning of memory decoding in digital circuitry?
What is the meaning of memory decoding in digital circuitry? What is the meaning of memory decoding in digital circuitry? A digital circuitry is such a circuit which that just process the signal having two states either zero or one. Read More …