Introduction to structures How to define structures in C++? What is meant by structures within structures? In programming, we encounter different types of variables. Some of them are of int type, some are floats, and others are double or character. Read More …
Category: Computing
How to define and call functions in C++?
Introduction to functions How to define and call functions in C++? Function and their types in C++ are very important. Functions in C++ make program more compact. In programming, if we want to do some tasks repeatedly we prefer using Read More …
what is a computer program?
what is a computer program? what is a computer program? Computer programs can be interpreted as a set of commands that can be used to direct computer to perform a certain task. There are many types of software or programs Read More …
What are the timer interrupts of PIC microcontroller?
What are the timer interrupts of PIC microcontroller? What are the timer interrupts of PIC microcontroller? Timer interrupts enable you to do a task at precise intervals, regardless of what else is going on in your code. Timer Interrupts can Read More …
what is the serial communication?
what is the serial communication? what is the serial communication? Unlike parallel communication, where several bits are send at one time, Serial Communication is a process of transmitting data bit by bit. In this tutorial, you will learn how to Read More …
What is the difference between interrupt and polling?
What is the difference between interrupt and polling? What is the difference between interrupt and polling? A solitary microcontroller can serve a few gadgets. There are two techniques by which devices get administration from the microcontroller: interrupt and polling. In Read More …
How to control the speed of DC motor using PWM ?
How to control the speed of DC motor using PWM ? How to control the speed of DC motor using PWM ?A DC motor is a type of rotary electric motor that converts electricity into electric current. It is usually Read More …
what is the difference between Macros and Modules?
what is the difference between Macros and Modules? what is the difference between Macros and Modules? What is Macros? A Macros may be a piece of programming code that runs in ms excel environment, and it helps to automate daily Read More …
How temperature sensor is interfaced with PIC micro controller?
How temperature sensor is interfaced with PIC micro controller? How temperature sensor is interfaced with PIC micro controller? Combining an analog temperature sensor LM35 with PIC microcontroller is very simple, the require thing is an analog-to-digital module (ADC) compatible with Read More …
What is DAC interfacing?
What is DAC interfacing? What is DAC interfacing? The definition of Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) is that it a device that converts a digital input signal into an analog output signal. Basically, the digital signal is usually represented by Read More …