In this article you will get the idea of what is the magnitude comparator circuit? A combinational circuit which compares two binary or digital numbers to find out whether the binary number is equal,
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Introduction In this article I have descried how to Design of a 3-bit Up Counter using JK Flip-Flop. 3 bit up counter is a synchronous counter that uses three bits at the output for producing the values from 000 to Read More …
A minterm is a product (AND operation) of all variables in a Boolean function, either in their true or complemented form, which evaluates to 1 for exactly one combination of inputs. The sum of minterms representation (Sum of Products, SOP) Read More …
Video Lecture for Creating a Test Bench waveforms for Verilog HDL Module Here is the video lecture for creating the test bench for a module in Xilinx: When designing digital circuits using Verilog HDL, it’s essential to verify the functionality Read More …
CPU vs DSP vs FPGA There are many uses for different kinds of processors, such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), digital signal processors (DSPs), and central processing units (CPUs). Because every processor type has pros and cons of its own, Read More …
Introduction What are the Decoders? In this article, first you will learn about the basic definition of encoder and decoder and then you will get the idea of how is an encoder different from the decoder?. What is a decoder? Read More …
Implementation of Sequential Circuits using Flip Flops and Combination Logic Gates It involves the following steps: Construct the state table from the state diagram of sequential circuit. From the state table, form the state equations using Karnaugh map (k-map). Finally, Read More …
What are number systems? What are the Different Types of Number Systems in Computing? Usually we humans are more comfortable with decimal numbers (base 10). But in computer system we have other types that are used as per the requirement. Read More …
Types of Finite State Machine In this article I will discuss Mealy and Moore Type FSM for Serial Adder. But let us just see first that there are two main types of finite state machines (FSM) Mealy type Moore type Read More …
Introduction to Counters: What are the Different Types of Counters? The output of the counter, a digital device, has a quantified state based on the submissions of the clock pulses. You can count the number of pulses using the counter’s Read More …