A train travels at 225 km in 3.5 hours and 370 km in 5 hours. Find the average speed of the train.


To find the average speed of the train, we can use the formula:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

Given that the train travels 225 km in 3.5 hours and 370 km in 5 hours, we can calculate the total distance and total time:

Total Distance = 225 km + 370 km = 595 km
Total Time = 3.5 hours + 5 hours = 8.5 hours

Now, plug these values into the formula to find the average speed:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time
Average Speed = 595 km / 8.5 hours ≈ 70 km/h

Therefore, the average speed of the train is approximately 70 kilometers per hour.

Five persons can be seated at a round table in ____________ ways

Five persons can be seated at a round table in 4! (4 factorial) ways, which is equal to 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 ways.

How long will it take for Rs. 6000 to produce Rs. 600 in interest at a rate of 5%?

To calculate the time it takes for an amount of money to produce a certain interest, you can use the formula for simple interest:

Simple Interest (SI) = (Principal) × (Rate) × (Time)

Principal (P) = Rs. 6000
Interest (I) = Rs. 600
Rate (R) = 5% = 0.05 (decimal)

We want to find the Time (T).

Using the formula for simple interest:
Interest (I) = (Principal) × (Rate) × (Time)
600 = 6000 × 0.05 × Time

Now, solve for Time:
Time = 600 / (6000 × 0.05)
Time = 600 / 300
Time = 2 years

Therefore, it will take 2 years for Rs. 6000 to produce Rs. 600 in interest at a rate of 5%.



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