How to get column names in Pandas dataframe?

While dissecting the genuine Pandas dataframe which are frequently extremely tremendous in size, we may have to get the section names to play out some specific tasks.

How about we examine how to get segment names in Pandas data frame.

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In this Pandas instructional exercise, we will learn 6 strategies to get the segment names from Pandas dataframe. A decent aspect regarding Pandas dataframes is that every section will have a name (i.e., the factors in the dataset). Presently, we can utilize these names to get to explicit sections by name without knowing which segment number it is.

To get to the names of a Pandas dataframe, we can the technique sections(). For instance, if our dataframe is called df we simply type print(df.columns) to get every one of the segments of the Pandas dataframe.

After this, we can work with the segments to get to specific segments, rename a section, etc. In the following area, prior to learning the techniques for getting the segment names of a dataframe, we will import a few information to play with.

Bringing in Data from a CSV File

In the first place, prior to learning the 6 techniques to acquire the segment names in Pandas, we want some model information. In this post, we will utilize Pandas read_csv to import information from a CSV document (from this URL). Presently, the initial step is, of course, when working with Pandas to import Pandas as pd.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(‘’,


It is, obviously, additionally conceivable to peruse xlsx records utilizing Pandas read_excel strategy. One more strategy to get our information into Python is to change a word reference over to a Pandas dataframe. After you have tracked down the appropriate response on the inquiry “How would I get segment names in Pandas?” you will figure out how to get section names in six distinct ways.

How do I get column names in Pandas?

To get the column names in Pandas dataframe you can type <code>print(df.columns)</code> given that your dataframe is named “df”. There are, of course, at least 5 other options for getting the column names of your dataframe (e.g., <code>sorted(df)</code>).

1. Get the Column Names Using the sections() Method

Presently, perhaps the least complex strategy to get every one of the sections from a Pandas dataframe is, obviously, utilizing the segments technique and printing it. In the code lump beneath, we are doing precisely this.


Right, the segments technique will get the marks of the dataframe. That is, the point at which we use print we will print segment names (i.e., the marks). Here is the consequence of the above code:

Pandas Dataframe

the outcome when printing the df.columns

In the following model, we will utilize the keys() technique to print every one of the names in the dataframe:

2. Utilizing the keys() Method

Second, we can get precisely the same outcome by utilizing the keys() strategy. That is, we will get the segment names by the accompanying code also.

# Dataframe show all columns

In the following model, we will repeat over the DataFrame.columns to print each name on a different line.

3. By Iterating of the Columns

In the third technique, we will basically repeat over the segments to get the section names. As you might see, we are again utilizing the segments technique.

# Get all names
for col_name in df.columns:

Pandas Dataframe

In the following model, we will get every one of the names utilizing the rundown() strategy along with the df.columns technique.

4. Utilizing list() to Print the Names as a rundown

In the fourth strategy, then again, we will utilize the rundown() technique to print the segment names as a rundown.

# Print the columns as list

Another choice, which we will find in the following model, is the tolist() technique.

5. Utilizing tolist() to Print the Names as a List

Presently, we can utilize the qualities technique, too, to get the segments from Pandas dataframe. Assuming we additionally utilize the tolist() technique, we will get a rundown, also.

# Show all columns as list

6. Utilizing arranged() to Get an Ordered List

Presently, in the last, and 6th, strategy to print the names, we will utilize arranged() to get the sections from a Pandas dataframe in alphabetic request:

# Dataframe show all columns sorted list sorted(df)

Pandas Dataframe

The most effective method to Get Values by Column Name:

Presently, that we realize the section names of our dataframe we can get to one segment (or many). Here’s the way we get the qualities from one segment:


On the off chance that we, then again, need to get to more than one segment we add a rundown: df[[‘tfr’, ‘region’]]

Step by step instructions to Rename a Column

In the last model, what we can do when we realize the segment names of a Pandas dataframe is to rename a segment.

df.rename(columns={‘tfr’: ‘TFR’})

Note, assuming we need to save the changed name to our dataframe we can add the inplace=True, to the code above. In the video beneath, you will figure out how to utilize the inplace boundary, just as the wide range of various things from this post. In a later post, you will become familiar with all you want about renaming sections in Pandas dataframe.

End: Getting every one of the Column Names with Pandas

Presently, in this post, we have figured out how to get the segment names from a Pandas dataframe. In particular, we realized the reason why and when this can be valuable, 6 unique techniques to get to the segment names, and momentarily what we can do when we realize the segment names. At last, here’s the Jupyter Notebook with all the model code.

Also Read: How to write a Pseudo Code?

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