Introduction to BCD Numbers How to Perform BCD to Gray Code Conversion? BCD stands for binary coded decimals which means we have assigned binary codes to the decimal numbers. The range of BCD numbers is from 0 to 9. That’s Read More …
What is Ethernet Cable? Why do We Use it?

What is Ethernet Cable? Why do We Use it? In this post I have described what is ethernet cable? why do we use it? Ethernet is an organization standard that determines no focal computer or gadget on the organization (hubs) Read More …
Implementation of SVD ins Machine Learning

What is Singular Value Decomposition? In this article we have discussed about Implementation of SVD ins Machine Learning. SVD, singular value decomposition is one of the methods of dimension reduction. In the field of machine learning, dimension reduction has become Read More …
How to Measure a CPU Performance?

The most widely recognized proportion of CPU speed is the clock speed, which is estimated in MHz or GHz. One GHz rises to 1,000 MHz, so a speed of 2.4 GHz could likewise be communicated as 2,400 MHz. The higher the clock speed, the more tasks the CPU can execute each second. It’s essential to understand that the clock speed of a CPU isn’t the solitary factor deciding performance.
What is the Boolean Algebra? How it Simplifies the Boolean Functions?

Introduction to Boolean Algebra What is the Boolean Algebra? Boolean Algebra is almost similar to the ordinary algebra which includes certain number of elements, set of operations and then some unapproved axioms, postulates or theorems. Another name of the Boolean Read More …
What are the Practical Applications of Embedded Systems?

Introduction to Embedded Systems In this article I have discussed What are the Practical Applications of Embedded Systems and their designs? Before understanding the applications of embedded systems, lets see what are the embedded systems? How they are designed? What Read More …
New Features of Windows 11 Operating System

Windows 11 Operating System New Features of Windows 11 Operating System. Windows 11 operating system is the latest version of Windows. Windows 11 is a free upgrade for all users of Windows 11. Windows 11 includes new features such as Read More …
Standard Deviation (Sample & Population) Explained With Examples

In this article I have discussed about Standard deviation (Sample & Population) explained with examples. Standard deviation is a statistical topic. It is usually found by taking the square root of the variance. In statistical analysis, the standard deviation is Read More …
Arduino Vs Raspberry Pi: Comparison Between Arduino and Raspberry Pi

In this article I have discussed how Raspberry Pi Is better than Arduino For learning electronics. Raspberry Pi is a great choice for those looking to learn electronics. Not only is it a low-cost computer, but it also has a Read More …
What is Meta VR Headset ?

What is Meta VR Headset ? What is Meta VR Headset ? The meta VR headset is a virtual reality headset that allows you to view and interact with virtual worlds. It is similar to other VR headsets, but it Read More …