Introduction to serial communication How to perform serial communication on PIC microcontroller? There are two main types of communication: Serial Transfer and Parallel Transfer. In parallel transfer, a chunk of data is transmitted at a time. While in serial transfer, Read More …
Month: December 2023
What is the Thevenin’s Theorem? Explain with an Example

What is the Thevenin’s Theorem What is the Thevenin’s Theorem. According to the Thevenin’s Theorem it is possible to simplify any linear circuit to an equivalent circuit that contains a voltage source and a series resistance connected to the load. Read More …
What are the Properties of Determinant?

Properties of Determinant In this article, I have discussed some of the properties of determinant. Determinants are mathematical objects that are associated with square matrices. They have several properties that make them useful in various mathematical applications. Here are some Read More …
How to test that the Given Vectors are Linearly Independent or Dependent?

Linearly Independent Vectors: How to test the given vectors are linearly independent or not? The vectors v1,v2,v3,…vn in a vector space V are said to be linearly dependent if there exist constants c1,c2,c3,….cn not all zero such that: c1v1+c2v2+c3v3+……+cnvn=0 ————————-(i) Read More …
Why Circuit Theory Fails at High Frequency?
Circuit Theory at High Frequency Why Circuit Theory Fails at High Frequency? Circuit theory, which is based on the principles of Kirchhoff’s laws and Ohm’s law, is a powerful and widely used tool for analysing electrical circuits at low to Read More …
How to Design Counters Using Sequential Circuits?

Introduction How to Design Counters Using Sequential Circuits? We already know that counters can be implemented like cascaded flip-flop stages and some gate logic where each stage divides a number of incoming pulses by two. To keep our example simple, Read More …
An Overview of FPGA

What is FPGA? An FPGA, which stands for Field-Programmable Gate Array, represents a significant advancement in the realm of programmable devices like PAL, GAL, and CPLD. It serves as a semi-specialized circuit that effectively overcomes the limitations associated with both Read More …
What is Linear combinations, Linear dependence and Linear Independence?

In this article you will get the idea of What is Linear combinations, Linear dependence and Linear Independence? Linear algebra is important for the turn of the mathematical branch. It is one of the main branches of math that can Read More …
What is the Kahoot bot Flooder?

We can use the Kahoot bot flooder to help you win each question in the Kahoot game. Therefore, we’ll explain how it works and how to obtain it here. To fully comprehend the Kahoot bot flooder, make sure you read the article all the way through. If you want to learn more about our Kahoot answer hack tool, you can always view it here.
Representation of Floats in Single Precision

Representation of floats in computer system In this article I have discussed about how to represent floats in computer system? Real numbers are stored as floats in computer system. The more bit size will provide us larger range of numbers Read More …