Table of Contents
Serial Temperature Sensor Project using Arduino. In this project we are going to design a serial temperature sensor which is a part of LM335 range of sensors from national semiconductors. It ranges from -40°C to 100°C (-40° F to 212° F). Due to this range of temperatures it is one of the ideal one sensors to be used for weather stations in sensing the temperatures.
Circuit diagram

Circuit explanation:
First of all we fix temperature sensor and 7 segment display on bread board then join it with jumper wires to Arduino board according to the respective circuit diagram. In this circuit we connect 1pin of 7 segment display to 7 pin output of Arduino uno board just like that 2 to 8 till pin 6 of segment on 12 and then we connected a connected 7 pin of segment to 13 pin of Arduino board till 12 pin of 7 segment to 2 pin of the Arduino board then we connected temperature sensor to Arduino board it pin configuration is that middle pin (2) is connected at A0 of Arduino board .pin 3 of temperature sensor is connected to pin ground of Arduino board and pin 1 connected to vcc 5v of Arduino board. At last we sense the temperature by fixing all the circuit the results of this experiment all given below as further.
Components required:

- LM 335
- Jumper wires
- 4-bit seven segment display
- Arduino board
LM335 unlike a thermistor, TMP36 is not sensitive to temperature. Instead this sensor uses a diode material; as the diode changes the temperature the voltage changes with it at a known value. The sensor measures a small change and emits an analog voltage between 0 and 1.75VDC based. To find the temperature we just need to measure the output voltage and a small number of numbers!
The LM335 temperature sensor is an easy-to-use, economical and accurate sensor (rated – + / – 3 degrees C). The sensor is actually a Zener diode where its reverse voltage is equal to the total temperature.
Temperature sensor will usually play an important role in the application.
There are many applications where maintenance of a certain temperature is important, for example, if products are to be kept at a certain temperature or patient monitoring, the sensitivity and accuracy of the temperature sensor are important.
The most common temperature sensor applications will include situations where, although temperature is not a priority of the process, some components may not work at certain temperatures so the temperature must be monitored within the application for this reason. The temperature sensor will indicate when the environment is too hot or cold and preventive action can be taken to ensure that the entire device is not disturbed.
There are Temperature Sensor applications in many industries including medical, motorsport, HVAC, agriculture, industry, aerospace and automotive. Here are some of the specific temperature sensor applications we have encountered.
- Motors – there are many different aspects of motors and many of them require temperature measurements to ensure that the engine itself is not overheating.
- Surface plates – Temperature ring sensor terminals are often used on upper plates as they can be mounted on a flat surface and can measure temperature effectively.
- Household appliances – kettles, toys, washing machines, dishwashers and coffee machines will all have heat sensors.
- Computers – on computers there are temperature sensors to ensure that the system is not overheating
- Industrial equipment – the temperature sensors used within these applications will need to be rigid as the environment can be extremely difficult.
- Warming Electrical Radiators – NTC electric heaters are used to control the temperature in electric radiators.
- Exhaust Gas Monitoring on Motorsport Vehicles – Motorsport heat sensors need to be very reliable and robust to ensure that operation is not disrupted in this challenging environment.
- Food Production; 3D printed chocolates – temperature sensors are used to monitor the temperature of melted chocolate for 3D printing.
- Alcohol breathalyzer – thermistors used inside the respiratory tract to measure the person’s breathing temperature.
- Firstly starting with the most important thing that is code of our project.
- After writing the code we compiled using Arduino Software.
- After successful build we saved the file.
- Then we made connections according to the circuit diagram.
- After a complete connection , we verified it again.
- Then we uploaded the success built of program on Arduino board.
- After connecting it with pc , the temperature sensor senses the temperature.
- We checked the temperature in cooler place , the temperature was 32 degree centigrade .
- Then we checked it in hotter place, the temperature was 38 degree centigrade.
- The difference in a temperature shows the accuracy of the project.
- The pictures of the respective temperature are given as follow.

Results and simulation:
In this project, we built a circuit of temperature sensor using Arduino board, after implicating the experiment we come to know the clear difference between the temperature in cooler and the hotter place, which shows that accurate temperature sensing device.

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