Application of Linear Algebra in Computer Graphics

application of linear algebra in computer graphics

The first use of Linear Algebra can be seen in the polygonal structure of 3D characters and space in computer games and other 3D graphics applications. Polygons are used to make images look three-dimensional because of their geometric structures. Most of the time, this is done by dividing the object into smaller and smaller polygons where the given smaller parts are triangular. This makes the production of 3D objects part of the distribution process of polygons. A simple example of the use of polygons in 3D images in the form of object frame.

Open Source Vs Closed source operating system

open source operating system

Open source software are not considered as a good alternative sometimes because of the possibility of viruses and threats. Another concern is that they want to get profit from what they code or develop. Open source software, on the other hand, may be reviewed by a much larger group of people for faults and improvements can be made quickly, resulting in better software.

What is the machine epsilon?

machine epsilon

What is the machine epsilon? Computer systems are the digital systems. Every information that is represented in computer is always limited in its representation in terms of the number of bits available. Every machine (calculator, computer) has specific number of bits reserved for representing a number. Real numbers are represented as floats in computers. There are two ways for representing real numbers in computers:

What is the method of false position? Drive formula of it.

false position method error

This is one of the iterative methods that give you the root if the function changes its sign: from positive to negative or from negative to positive. Despite the fact that bisection is an entirely legitimate strategy for determining roots, its “brute force” approach is generally inefficient. False position is based on graphical approach. A shortcoming of the bisection method is that, in dividing the interval from xl to xu into equivalent parts, no record is taken of the values of f (xl) and f (xu).